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Man loses Rs. 18 lakh in online job scam: Stay safe with these 5 tips insiderorbit

by The Technical Blogs


In recent times, there has been a significant increase in online scams in India. People are getting caught up in the tricks of fraudsters, losing their money to intricate and flawlessly executed online scams. Many fall for the promise of easy earnings by taking up part-time jobs or completing tasks online. Scammers often reach out through WhatsApp, offering a chance to make money from home.

In the most recent case, a man from Mumbai became a victim of such a scam and lost around 18 lakh while trying to earn some extra cash online.

The Story of the Mumbai Man

As reported by PTI, a 48-year-old man from Kharghar was lured by scammers who promised quick money. He was asked to complete certain tasks for this. Initially, he did receive some money from these tasks. However, he ended up losing 17.9 lakh. He had transferred this money to different bank accounts, hoping for more returns, but sadly, he never got anything back. The victim revealed that the money was sent to four different bank accounts.

The cyber police station in Navi Mumbai took action based on the man’s complaint and registered a case of cheating.

Such scams are everywhere and to make sure you do not fall easy prey to fraudsters online, you will have to be careful by adopting these tips.

Tips to Protect Yourself from Online Scams

Safeguarding yourself from scams like these is very important. Here are 5 simple steps to keep in mind:

1. Stay Alert: If you receive unexpected emails or messages that seem odd, be cautious. Approach them skeptically.

2. Don’t Click Unknown Links: Avoid clicking on links from sources you don’t know. These could lead you to unsafe websites or downloads.

3. Protect Personal Information: Never give important information to unknown callers, especially if they’re asking for it over the phone or through texts. This especially applies to making money transfers.

4. Confirm Requests: Always verify requests, especially if they involve sensitive actions or information. If you’re unsure, reach out to the organization or person directly through trustworthy means to confirm the legitimacy of the request.

5. Act Quickly: If you suspect a scam or phishing attempt, act fast. Delete the message or end the call without sharing any information.

Staying safe from such scams requires a careful and a thoughtful approach to unexpected offers. By following these steps, you can lower the chances of falling victim to online fraud.


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